Sunday, June 16, 2013

Infidelity in Marriage

Unfortunately in todays world there are many things that are trying to distroy marriages especially through infidelity. Infidelity is something that is creeping into marriages and destroying them. There are many different versions of infidelity. There is physical infidelity, and emotional infidelity. A spouse can commit infidelity by actually commiting adultury with someone else physically or through their thoughts. It is also a possability to commit infidelity by spending all of your time on something that is not your spouse. Women can do so by going out with their girlfriends too often, or just anything that takes all of her attention away from her husband for too long. Men can commit infidelity by being completely obsessed with their work and not spending any time with their wives, and also they can do this by spening too much time playing video games or television. Both spouses can commit infidelity by spending too much time on second life games. I advise very strongly to stay clear of second life and virtual living comepletely.
Danielle Nelson wrote in her article “Husbands and wives deal with gaming and marriage” (August 30, 2011) that Beverly, a girl who was newly married, felt like she was a “gaming widow”. Beverly also discovered other women who “feel they have lost their spouse to the virtual gaming world.”

 --Spencer W. Kimball; Faith Precedes the Miracle (1972), 142-143--:
“There are those married people who permit their eyes to wander and their hearts to become vagrant, who think it is not improper to flirt a little, to share their hearts and have desire for someone other than the wife or the husband. The Lord says in no uncertain terms: “Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and no one else and, when the Lord says all thy heart”, it allows for no sharing nor dividing nor depriving. And, to the woman it is paraphrased:  ”Thou shalt love thy husband with all thy heart and shalt cleave unto him and none else.” The words none else eliminate everyone and everything. The spouse then becomes preeminent in the life of the husband or wife, and neither social life nor occupational life nor person nor thing shall ever take precedence over the companion spouse.”

What are your thoughts?

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