Sunday, June 2, 2013


I think that one of the many problems that couples have is that they feel like their relationship should be perfect. They have too high of expectations and if their spouse is not perfect, then they think they chose the wrong person. This leads to divorce, and the search for the "perfect person". Unfortunately the only perfect person was Jesus Christ. The rest of us aren't perfect. If you only look for the perfect person then you are out of luck. Even if there was a perfect person out there, they would never chose you because you aren't perfect yourself.

Marriages will always have their problems because marriage is difficult and it is something to work for. Just because a marriage isn't perfect, does not mean that it is a bad marriage. As long as both spouses are working hard on keeping their marriage alive, then it will be a good marriage. 

I was listening to the radio and the song Perfect by Sara Evans came on and it made me think about all of this. I would like you to listen to this song. I've posted it below.

Marriage isn't easy. Both spouses need to work at it at all times. 

What are your thoughts about this?


  1. I completely agree!! It doesn't have to be perfect to be good! We just need to be more understanding and patient with others.

  2. Thanks so much for your thoughts! I really appreciated this and its so true, this reminds me of Elder Holland in the last conference and how he talked about how frustrating it must be for God to deal with us because all he has ever had are imperfect people. Also the point that your brought up about seeking out the perfect spouse I agree 100%, I once had a young womans leader who told us if we wanted to marry the perfect person than we needed to be the perfect person as well! What in todays society do you think contributes to the belief that we need to be striving for perfection in others yet not in ourselves?

    Awesome Job
    Maddison Dillon

  3. Thank you for your comment!I love Elder Holland by the way!My Young Womans leader told me that too. Wise words of wisdom indeed. I think that one of the main things that contributes to the belief that we need to be striving for perfection in others and not in ourselves is the sense of entitlement that people have today. People feel that they deserve the best of the best, but they don't do anything to be that. There are many other things that contribute but the one that stands out is that sense of entitlement. That is the core of many problems that we have today.
