I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also known as Mormon. In my religion we believe that families can be together forever. We believe that a man and a woman can seal themselves together for all time and eternity. When a worthy man and woman go to our temple, they can make covenants (a two way promise between you and God) that will seal themselves together. This connection will not end "till death do you part" but will last forever. If a worthy man and woman seal themselves together, then their children will also be sealed to them. This way the family will be together forever. If tragedy strikes and a loved one is lost, the family that is sealed together will be together again once more. I am so very grateful that I am sealed to my own family and that I will be able to be with them for time and all eternity. I am also thankful that when I marry and start my own family it will not end at death, but it will last forever.
What are your thoughts and beliefs?
Keep up the good work Aly!